Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February Service Project

Just a reminder - Don't forget to bring 2 dozen cookies for the Red Cross Thursday night. I made my famous (?) cream cheese spritzes with pink and green sugars. Spring is on it's way! Don't you just love this weather? Anyway, we'll be meeting at Elaine's home about 7:00 p.m.

I'll see all of you soon!

Cindy Andrews


BSP Sisters said...

"Thanks" Cindy for the reminder. I had forgotten. Your cookies look SOOOO GOOD that it almost makes me want to give blood to get some. Ha, Ha. Question, are we the only two using the blog????

Cindy Andrews said...

I don't know Lois. I've wondered the same thing. Maybe some are just looking and that's ok. I'll ask around tonight.


BSP Sisters said...

hello sisters