Saturday, December 20, 2008

"True Gritt"

In our lives as we grow up we all have had to go threw many different challenges that life's thrown at us. Some say that God helps us build our lives and guides us to make the right choices in our lives.
I wonder why it is that some people have smooth, carefree lives with little hardship, while other endure more hardship and sorrow than their share.
Today I took a good look at my life and I realized that I have one of the smooth and carefee lives for today and in the past. I have not endured True Gritt hardship, yet. I've not lost a Spouse, child or parent. To me that is true hardship.

My husband's cousin, younger mid 30's or so, he's married and has 7 children. One son (child #3) was born handicaped with a disease that makes him wheelchair bound. Even with this challenge they still had more children. They had a Walton kind of family. In April of this year he (the dad) was killed in a car accident while riding with his son-in-law. The son-in-law was in critical condition. Now his widow is left with no husband and 7 children and with being extremely handicaped. What a traumatic time for her and their family.
Just this last Thursday (12-18-08) her handicaped son passed away. He was 15 years old. A blood clot had formed in his leg and moved to his lung. He endured brain damage to the area that controls your breathing.
Many of you may have read his name in the Register Mail today, Cody Mecum. When I read about it today I though, how much more could this lady withstand? She has had WAY MORE hardship and sorrow than her share!!

I just took pictures of Cody at an anniversary party in August in his Cubs hat and t-shirt. He was very happy and full of life. Which brings me back to God. I'm not asking why did he take Cody away, more of why does he keep picking on the same family? That's just mean.

I know this is long, but I wanted to share my thoughts with someone and who better to share them with than my sisters?

Thanks for listening!! Merry Christmas

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Losing a family member is the most difficult thing anyone has to go through. Expected or not, it is never easy. And understanding why these events happen the way and when they do is also very difficult. If I can help or do anything to help your family, please call. You know my number.
Always a sister, Mary Lou