Friday, October 24, 2008


You may have noticed our chapter is now a member of I placed a widget in the sidebar so we can post books we've read. Please feel free to add your books too. To access the goodreads account - click on the widget, it will take you directly to our page. Then click on the tab "my books" and you'll see a listing of our books. To the far right you'll see a link "add more" Click on it. You'll be directed to a search book. Simply type in the title of your book and click on search. A picture of your book will come up. You may have to sift through the list if more than one is shown. Sometimes you have to look for the "right" bookcover. Once you find your book, rate it and it will automatically be added to our bookshelf. If you have any problems, please call me. I'd like everyone to enjoy this site!

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Wow, I forgot how many books we've read. Impressive list of books. This looks like a great site.
Mary Lou