Thursday, May 3, 2007

Founder's Day Dinner

We ladies we pulled it off!!

Other than a few snags things went pretty well that day. We had a lot of good comments and that was good to hear. The cakes were a big hit, especially the raspberry one.

There is one thing that we did not get that day and that is OUR chapter's group photo. All of the dinner photos are posted now on our web site.

The only thing that is depressing about Founder's Day is that is means our year is almost up and our summer chores are upon us. Ha. But we have our summer socials to look forward to and of course that involves more eating. Ha.

See Ya soon


1 comment:

Cindy Andrews said...

Great photo, Lois - tell Ginger thanks! I'd call Founder's Day a success too - we "rawked" the house!