Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy to Sad in a Day

This is what happen to me on Monday night when Ginger & I were on our way to the studio for an appointment.

We had waited for a train to pass on Seminary st & North. We were the 3rd car from tracks, after the train was done we crossed the tracks I was going slow because the truck in front of me had to get up to speed and just as we got to the middle of the intersection of Seminary & North this car (jeep) came from out of nowhere from the left and hit the front of the van and ripped the bumper and headlights completely off.

The jeep almost flipped over, couple of tires ripped off and landed on the other part of the tracks on North st. The guy in the jeep took off running and left his dog in the car. The cops did catch him a few blocks away.

Ginger and I were OK, just a shook up and Jarred around. My van didn't make out so good. There were LOTS of witness since there were lots of cars waiting because of the train.
Estimate damage at this point is $5,300.00 so far.

Guy that hit us just got his license back a month ago from a DUI and was charged with DUI hitting me. He is only 23 yrs old. They said that he was going about 50mph.

What a downer after a great weekend.


Raod Trip to Amana Colonies 2010

Hey ladies, we had a RIP ROARIN GOOD TIME! The weather was great, just a little rain Friday night but Sat was perfect.
We shopped and ate and shopped and ate and shopped some more. ha.ha. The waitress that waited on us last visit wasn't working Friday night when we went to eat, but our waitress was her aunt and she was just as fun & funny.

I think we hit the Chocolate store twice, go figure right.Ha My sister-in-law was visiting from Florida and she went with us. She got Kimmy going in a laughing attach a couple of times.
Here are a couple of pictures to share, there are plenty more to see. I will try to have them printed by the next meeting.

A "BIG" Thanks to Kimmy for setting everything up for the trip. See everyone at the meeting.
Have a great one! Lois