Saturday, December 20, 2008

"True Gritt"

In our lives as we grow up we all have had to go threw many different challenges that life's thrown at us. Some say that God helps us build our lives and guides us to make the right choices in our lives.
I wonder why it is that some people have smooth, carefree lives with little hardship, while other endure more hardship and sorrow than their share.
Today I took a good look at my life and I realized that I have one of the smooth and carefee lives for today and in the past. I have not endured True Gritt hardship, yet. I've not lost a Spouse, child or parent. To me that is true hardship.

My husband's cousin, younger mid 30's or so, he's married and has 7 children. One son (child #3) was born handicaped with a disease that makes him wheelchair bound. Even with this challenge they still had more children. They had a Walton kind of family. In April of this year he (the dad) was killed in a car accident while riding with his son-in-law. The son-in-law was in critical condition. Now his widow is left with no husband and 7 children and with being extremely handicaped. What a traumatic time for her and their family.
Just this last Thursday (12-18-08) her handicaped son passed away. He was 15 years old. A blood clot had formed in his leg and moved to his lung. He endured brain damage to the area that controls your breathing.
Many of you may have read his name in the Register Mail today, Cody Mecum. When I read about it today I though, how much more could this lady withstand? She has had WAY MORE hardship and sorrow than her share!!

I just took pictures of Cody at an anniversary party in August in his Cubs hat and t-shirt. He was very happy and full of life. Which brings me back to God. I'm not asking why did he take Cody away, more of why does he keep picking on the same family? That's just mean.

I know this is long, but I wanted to share my thoughts with someone and who better to share them with than my sisters?

Thanks for listening!! Merry Christmas

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from the Addam's Family

Hey everyone, wanted to share our picture from the pharmacy. We dressed up as the Addam's Family this year. We had some good competition this year at the clinic. A group of nurses dressed as Hippie's and the office girls (about 10) dressed as Gang Green and they each had there own disease. One of the guys in the computer office came as a Split Personality and he shaved one side of his head and on the oppiset side of his face he shaved his mustache and goatee off and his cloths were two different set. It was Pretty clever!! Ha, I will bring pictures to the meeting.

The clinic has a contest with different categories, Best Group, Most Original, Best Individual and funniest.

We won best group again this year. Carole came out to see us and I thought she was going to fall our of her chair laughing. ha.

Well enjoy the picture and I'll see you next month.
It was a Spooktacular day!!!

Trick or Treat!

Friday, October 24, 2008


You may have noticed our chapter is now a member of I placed a widget in the sidebar so we can post books we've read. Please feel free to add your books too. To access the goodreads account - click on the widget, it will take you directly to our page. Then click on the tab "my books" and you'll see a listing of our books. To the far right you'll see a link "add more" Click on it. You'll be directed to a search book. Simply type in the title of your book and click on search. A picture of your book will come up. You may have to sift through the list if more than one is shown. Sometimes you have to look for the "right" bookcover. Once you find your book, rate it and it will automatically be added to our bookshelf. If you have any problems, please call me. I'd like everyone to enjoy this site!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Back!

The Gulf of Mexico is even more beautiful in real life than this photo. It's such a clear blue-green that shimmers in the sunlight. And shells, oh boy! did I find the shells. I even found a baby conch shell. I'm ready to go back again. We love Gulf Shores Alabama!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Must Read - The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

If you read anything this year, read this book. It is so well written it blew me away. Think John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemmingway, Colleen McCullough. This is not a fast-reading book. You want to take your time and savor every word. I guarantee you will love it. It's a winner!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Amana Colonies Get-Away

What a WONDERFUL weekend we had!!!
We had perfect sunny weather for our shopping adventure. We arrived there around 10:15 am and hit the shops. We can't wait to tell about our trip, there are so many fun and funny things to talk about.

Here are a few pictures of the trip. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

With Deepest Sympathy...

Elaine lost her brother, Alfred Albers, age 66, this past week. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in Feburary 2008. Comfort, peace and safe travel to Elaine and her family. You're in our prayers.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekend in Chicago

Yep, that's me modeling in a shop in Chinatown.

Great shot of downtown Chinatown.

All the street signs are in English and Chinese.

Me in Millenium Park around 11:00 p.m.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

From Red to Black, that's where we're at!

We'll ladies, I think that our garage sale was a success in the sense that I think we are now at least $50.00 dollars to the good now. With a quick count by Shirley on Saturday night, she informed me that our profit was $450.00. If I remember correctly we were in the red by $325.00 or so. This will get us to the positive side and give us a good jump start for the year.
Thanks to everyone and a special thanks to Shirley for her extra efforts and being our cashier the whole day. And also a special thanks to Renee (Elaine's Daughter) for all of her help with setting up and taking down the sale. She was a great help to us by making the cloths rack and setting up tables.
See everyone in 3 weeks at Beginning Day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Vacation Bible School at First Christian Church

We just finished a week of vacation bible school at my church and it was amazing! Our theme this year was "Power Lab" Jesus gives us the power to be thankful, help others, be brave, etc. Any other VBS sisters out there? Please share your experiences too.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sex and the City

If you enjoyed the series - go see the movie. This is truly the epitome of a chick flick. I loved it!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Me and Mark Twain

I was in Batavia at the public library yesterday for professional conduct and ethics training through Prairie State Legal Services. This statue of Mark Twain is at the entrance. He's reading one of his favorite books to me - Huck Finn! Gosh, this is a gorgeous new library. They even have a coffee shop on site.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Founder's Day at Bishop Hill

Founder's Day Part 2 hosted by the Galva chapters. We had a great time shopping at Bishop Hill and a wonderful lunch prepared by P.L. Johnson's at the Colony School.

Monday, April 28, 2008

This past weekend I was in jail! for scrapbooking! I went to a 16 hour crop in Aledo. It was held at The Slammer - a bed and breakfast in the former Mercer County Jail. I had such a good time hanging with a bunch of scrappers, drinking coffee (some of them are really into Monster drink) visiting, eating, trading techniques. This place was wonderful! We had lunch at a new restaurant downtown called The Livermore. It's owned by Maple City Candy Company. It was pretty good. Beautiful decor. Maybe we can check it out together.

The dining area is the actual jail cells and the tablecloths and curtain are an attractive black and white striping!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A facinating historial series on HBO - I highly recommend it.

"I cannot live without books"
Thomas Jefferson to John Adams 1815

Friday, April 4, 2008

Race for the Cure Saturday May 10

Hi Girls! I'll be participating in the Race for the Cure this year and hope some of you will be able to join me. Innkeepers will be sponsoring a team right here in Galesburg with a one mile walk. Registration is this Saturday at Innkeepers from 8am-4pm. The team captain will pick up our packets and cool t-shirts in Peoria before the race. Detailed information will be available at Innkeepers. I plan on registering around 11:00 and my Mom is going to walk too! Come join us! Lets honor the women in our lives that have been touched by breast cancer.

Friday, March 28, 2008

"Day Tripping"

This is Jerrilynn Wood from the visitor's center. She gave an informative program on day tripping around the Galesburg area. Thanks Jerri!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Snowing on Easter?

What's with the freaky weather snowing on Easter? I snapped this photo in my backyard. Kinda pretty. I don't believe I've ever seen it snow on Easter Sunday. How about the rest of you?

Happy Easter Everyone!

Look at this gorgeous Easter lily! It's from my secret sister. Thank you! Mom and I love it! It's so fragrant.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Day of Spring! Enjoy the Weather, Sisters!

When Spring Appears

Meadowlarks give lusty cheers
when Spring appears
when Spring appears.

Buds and seeds
prick up their ears
and blades of grass
show eager spears.

And only icicles weep tears
when Spring appears
when Spring appears.

- Aileen Fisher

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is in the Air!

The weather is fantastic! 59 degrees and sunshine. Spring is just around the corner. Woohoo! I'm ready for yard work!

A New Book by Kate Jacobs

Kate's new book is availabe May 6. I'll be reading it!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

St. Patrick's Meeting

Hey Gals,

Our Meeting is coming upon us this Thursday starting at 6:00 pm and remember we are having a Baked Potato bar with all the fixin's. Everyone signed up to bring a topping, so don't forget yours or we may be having naked potatoes.Ha.
Wear your greens!!! You know I will be dressed in something goofy. Ha
See ya then

Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine Dinner

It was an evening of Good Friends, Good Food and Good Fun!! I hope everyone enjoyed their eveing. After we ate, Carole crowned the new Queen which was kind of funny watching her crown herself.Ha. Then we played a couple of word games. Bev won a little valentine bear. Then we played the "Newly Wedd Game". Aggie & Gene were the winner of that game.
After the games we all enjoyed desserts. It was a fun night.

See ya Thursday.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

Here's our first pick for 2008 for our book club. Books will distributed at the January 24th meeting at Cindy's home. Have fun reading the book. Discussion will be on March 13 during our St. Patrick's Day party. I'm warming up my knitting needles!