You know you're a child of the 70's if...
- You wore that rainbow shirt that was half-sleeves, and the rainbow went up one sleeve, across your chest, and down the other.
- You made baby chocolate cakes in your Easy Bake Oven. You washed them down with snow cones from your Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.
- You owned a bicycle with a banana seat and a basket. You even owned roller skates with metal wheels.
- You thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute.
- You had either a "bowl cut" or a "pixie", not to mention the "Dorothy Hamill" because your mom was sick of braiding your hair.
- You wore a poncho, gauchos, and knickers.
- You begged Santa for the electronic game, Simon.
- You had the Donnie and Marie dolls with those pink and purple shredded outfits.
- You had homemade ribbon barrettes in every imaginable color.
- You even had a pair of Doctor Scholl's sandals (the ones with hard sole & the buckle).
- You wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder really bad; you wore that Little House on the Prairie-inspired plaid, ruffle shirt with the high neck in at least one school picture; and you despised Nellie Olson!
- Your hairstyle was described as having "wings" and you kept it "pretty" with the comb you kept in your back pocket.
- You and Your girlfriends would fight over which of the Dukes of Hazzard was your boyfriend.
- Every now and then "It's A Hard Knock Life" from the movie, "Annie" will pop into Your brain and you can't stop singing it the whole day.
- You had Star Wars action figures and you made Shrinky-Dinks too!
- You even asked Your Magic-8 Ball the question: "Who will I marry...David Cassidy, Bobby Sherman, or Rick Springfield?"
- You completely wore out your Partridge Family, The Monkees, and Carole King albums.
- You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape recorder up to the speaker.
- You thought Olivia Newton John's song, "Physical" was about aerobics.
- You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer.
- You had subscriptions to Dynamite and TigerBeat.